How to install a Salt Minion with vRealize Automation 8.6.1

This blog post is about installing a minion on an existing VM provisioned by vRA 8.6.1 using the Day 2 Operation “Apply Salt Configuration”

  • vRA 8.6.1 with Salt Stack Config
  • Salt for Windows. Version 3004. IMPORTANT vRA 8.6.1 has the wrong File Version 3003. How install the correct Salt Version
  • A vRA deployed Windows machine
  • Make sure Firewall is open
  • Internet Access
  • Log into vRA
  • Open the Service Broker
  • Go to the Deployments
  • Open a deployed Windows Deployment
  • Select the VM resource
  • Open the ACTIONS
  • Select “Apply Salt Configuration”
  • Enter Username and Password
  • Enter Master ID
  • Enter a Minion ID.
  • Click SUBMIT
Get the Mast ID

The Minion ID can be named as want. This will be show in the Salt Stack Config as minion ID

If the Minion Installation in vRA successful, then it will be shown in Salt Stack Config and will be accepted automatically if it installed by vRA Day 2 Operation. If it installed manually, then it must be accepted by an Salt Stack Admin.

Now, the minion is available to working with.

  • Download the Salt file Salt Repo
  • Install the file on Windows Box

After the minion is installed, the minion should be visible as Pending in Salt Stack.

Select the minion and Accept the Key

The minion is now ready to work with.

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