vRA 8 Cloud Template with multiple disks and SCSI Controller and Unit Number Selection

In this post I show you how you can deploy a VM with multiple disks. and SCSI Selection

Following steps are needed:

    • Create Cloud Template
    • Publish the Cloud Template
    • Add the Cloud Template to a Content Source
    • Add the Cloud Template to a Content Sharing
    • Enable Custom Forms
    • Oder the Multiple Disk Cloud Template from the Catalog

    Create Cloud Template

    Navigate to Design -> Cloud Templates -> NEW FROM and select blanc canvas

    Enter a Name and select a Project and click on CREATE

    Enter the following Code into YAML Editor

    formatVersion: 1
        type: array
        title: Disks
        maxItems: 10
        minItems: 1
          type: object
              type: string
              title: Diskname
              type: integer
              title: Size in GB
              minSize: 1
              maxSize: 100
              type: string
              title: SCSI Controller
                - SCSI_Controller_0
                - SCSI_Controller_1
                - SCSI_Controller_2
                - SCSI_Controller_3
              type: integer
              title: Unit Number
                - 0
                - 1
                - 2
                - 3
                - 4
                - 5
                - 6
                - 7
                - 8
                - 9
                - 10
                - 11
                - 12
                - 13
                - 14
                - 15
        type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine
          image: Small Ubuntu VM
          cpuCount: 2
          totalMemoryMB: 2048
            - network: ${resource.Cloud_NSX_Network_1.id}
          constraints: null
          attachedDisks: ${map_to_object(resource.Disks[*].id, "source")}
        type: Cloud.NSX.Network
          networkType: existing
        type: Cloud.vSphere.Disk
        allocatePerInstance: true
          capacityGb: ${input.disks[count.index].size}
          count: ${length(input.disks)}
          SCSIController: ${input.disks[count.index].scsiController}
          unitNumber: ${input.disks[count.index].unitNumber}
          provisioningType: thin

    Go to VERSION

    Publish the Cloud Template

    Mark to release and click CREATE

    Add the Cloud Template to a Content Source

    Go to Service Broker. Navigate to Content & Policies -> Content Sources

    Select an existing or create a new Content Source. I used an existing (Project 001)

    Click SAVE & IMPORT

    Navigate to Policies -> Definitions

    Add the Cloud Template to a Content Sharing

    Create a new Definition or select an existing. I used the Project-001 existing definition

    Click on ADD ITEMS

    Search for the Multiple Disk example Cloud Template. Select it and add it to the Content Sharing

    Enable Custom Forms

    Navigate to Content -> Multiple Disk example -> Open Content form

    Click on ENABLE. this is an Optional Step.

    Click on CREATE

    Oder the Multiple Disk Cloud Template from the Catalog

    Navigate to Catalog and search for the Multiple Disk example Catalog Item

    Click on REQUEST

    Enter a Name and click on + icon

    Add one or more disks

    Click on Submit

    The VM with the additional disk will be deployed.

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